Opening the Doors to Emotional Awareness, Psychological Integration & Spiritual Wellbeing


A life coaching session will assist you to reassess aspects of your life in a safe non-judgmental environment. Irrespective of the situation you are in, we will work together, in consideration of making positive changes to thoughts and beliefs that can transfer into all other areas of your life.

Life Coaching is beneficial for:

• Clarifying life choices
• Setting goals & solving problems
• Building self-esteem & confidence
• Dealing with grief & life crisis
• Managing anger & frustration
• Managing addictions
• Managing stress, anxiety & panic attacks
• Managing depression
• Adjusting to change
• Dealing with illness
• Releasing fears & identifying inner sources of strength

You are guided & supported in exploring and dealing with any areas of your life that are not lived to your highest potential, in a collaborative & empowering way. An integrated approach is used, depending on what your goals & needs are in each session. No two sessions are alike.

Life coaching clarifies and resolves issues you may face, providing the support you need to accept, improve or change your situation. We will collaborate to assist you by developing a more loving relationship with yourself & others, to achieve a greater sense of wholeness & lead a more satisfying life.